Web Design & Development -
Publishing -
Web Design & Development -
Publishing -
A fresh face for a classic publication.
The Challenge
A mainstay for readers of Jewish news and culture for more than a century, the Forward was overdue for a web redesign. Small type and a text-centric, crowded homepage made for a daunting browsing experience, and it was a challenge to track popular topics and contributors. Social sharing tools needed an upgrade and a visual boost.
The Solution
Feedback from the Forward team and its readers—and a comprehensive competitor analysis—pointed to the advantages of a cleaner, photo-rich site with immediate appeal for modern users. We deployed three bold, essential keywords to create a beautifully straightforward top navigation. Large, appealing header images and photography catch the eye without overwhelming the reader. A crisp, transparent donation page encourages general or specialized gifts to the nonprofit. And we enabled intuitive sharing everywhere, including within videos.
The Result
Usage of the site has skyrocketed since the relaunch; longtime readers and new visitors alike find a welcoming, personable environment that’s easy to explore. Editors and staffers use a versatile CMS and a scalable design to keep the content fresh and share-worthy. And a venerable publication stays connected to an ever-evolving audience.